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Enterprise Security - Extended Deadline

The new deadline is March 25th

			      Call For Papers -Extended Deadline

 		  International Workshop on Enterprise Security
			      June 19-21
		    Stanford University, Stanford, California
		Co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the
		Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC) at 
			   West Virginia University
	       Hosted by the Center for Design Research, Stanford University
Enterprises are increasingly dependent on their information systems to
support their business and workflow activities.  
There is a need for
universal electronic connectivity to support interaction and cooperation
between multiple  organisations.  This makes enterprise security and
confidentiality more important, but more difficult to achieve, as the
multiple organisations may have differences in their security policies and
may have to interact via an inscure internet.  These inter-organisational
enterprise systems may be very large and so tools and techniques are needed
to support the specification, analysis and implementation of security.

This workshop will focus on the problems and challenges relating to
enterprise security in inter-organisational systems. We aim to biring
together principal players from both the internetwork and enterprise
security community and will provide plenty of time for discussion.   Topics
to be addressed include:

	- Specifying and Analysing Enterprise Security Policy
        - Role-Based Access Control
        - Security infrastructre for large-scale systems
        - Supporting enterprise security over the internet
        - Conflicts and harmonization of inter- and intra-organizational
        - Distributed Database Security
        - Secure Transactions
        - Security in Workflow Process
        - Object Oriented and CORBA Security
        - Secure Applications and Environments
        - Integrating Heterogeneous Security Environments
        - Managing inter-oranisational Enterprise Security
	- Internet Security protocols
	- Security Algorithms

This workshop will be part of the IEEE Fifth Workshops on Enabling
Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET-ICE
96) organized by the Concurrent Engineering Research Center (CERC)/
West Virginia University and will be hosted by the Center for Design
Research, Stanford University, California.

Important Dates:
Papers Due			March 25, 1996
Panel Proposals			March 15, 1996
Authors notified of acceptance  April 19, 1996
Workshop			June 19-21, 1996
Camera Ready			June 28, 1996

Mail six copies of an original (not submitted or published elsewhere)
paper (double-spaced) of 3000-5000 words to the Program Chair. Include
the title of the paper, the name and affiliation of each author, a
150-word abstract and no more than 8 keywords. The name, position,
address, telephone number, and if possible, fax number and e-mail
address of the author responsible for correspondence of the paper must
be included.

An e-mail submission in postscrip format will be accepted.

Send six copies of panel proposals to the Program Chair. Include the
title, a 150-word scope statement, proposed session chair and
panelists and their affiliations, the organizer's affiliation,
address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address.

Send six copies of position paper of 2-3 pages to the Program
Chair. Include the title of the paper, the name and affiliation of
each author, a 150-word abstract and no more than 8 keywords. The
name, position, address, telephone number, and if possible, fax number
and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence of the
paper must be included. An accepted position paper will get less
presentation time than full paper.  

Program Committee

Program Chair
	Yahya Al-Salqan
	Concurrent Engineering Research Center
	P.O. Box 6506
	886 Chestnut Ridge Road
	West Virginia University
	Morgantown, WV 26506

	Ph: (304) 293-7226
	Fax: (304) 293-7541

	e-mail: alsalqan@cerc.wvu.edu

Workshop Program Committee (Partial List):
Takasi Arano, NTT Corp, Japan
Germano Caronni, ETH-Zurich, Switzerland
Chikuang Chao, AT&T, USA
Taher ElGamal, Netscape Corp., USA
Matthias Hirsch, BSI (Federal Department of Security in the Information
Steve Kent, BBN, USA
W. Douglas Maughan, Technical Director, National Security Agency (NSA), USA
Clifford Neuman, USC/ISI, USA
LouAnna Notargiacomo, Oracle Corp., USA
Morris Sloman, Department of Computing: Imperial College, UK
Badie Taha, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem
Ravi Sandhu, Department of Information and Software Engineering,
	George Mason University, USA
Robert Thomys, BSI (Federal Department of Security in the Information
Nick Zhang, CERC, West Virginia University, USA

Interrnet Hotline

Information on Enterprise Security Workshop may be obtained through
the WWW using the URL http://www.cerc.wvu.edu/SECWK/ 

You don't need to have a paper to attend the workshop.  
